
I believe that Christians in America have allowed a deep cultural infiltration into our faith. I believe that we are impacted more by culture than we impact culture. Therefore there is limited differentiation between Christians and non-Christians of society. As a result, I think the “church” has picked certain issues to take a firm stand on. In my life time I have seen the following issues (and you can probably named many more that I have omitted); 1. Music; 2. Creation/Evolution; 3.Abortion. I am not saying that the “churches’” position on items in the list is either correct or incorrect, but that we have used these as our points of differentiation from culture.

Again, in my opinion, this has just made the world look at us with bewilderment. We are fighting battles with little meaning. Music – Did Styx really record a song (Snowblind) with backward Satanic messages? Creation – Was the world really made like the Bible says? Abortion –How many love and care for our children or our neighbor’s children who make mistakes?

Yet Bono is pushing agendas to help people. The Salvation Army and the United Way help people. Oprah tries to help people. I think the American church helps too, but I think there is a perception issue. And that bothers me.

In Matthew 25, Jesus mentions hunger, thirst, clothing. God has shown mercy and compassion regarding these items since at least the Exodus -go back to Genesis 1 if you like. God met/meets peoples’ needs. Jesus calls on us to meet needs. How does calling Stevie Nicks a witch meet peoples’ needs? Yet, I think we fight these battles to show that we are above our culture when in reality we may have become our culture.

The book of Revelation should draw us back to God, back to the Kingdom of God and away from our society. We should see that the outcome is set – God wins – and we should see how we can impact his kingdom now. We should evaluate ourselves and our congregations in the light of God. We should obey the same things and in the same way that the 1st century Christians were challenged with. But not by the letter of pen, rather by the intent of God. Follow Jesus, act like Jesus, tell people the story of God. So the question I have really started grappling with lately is how do I withdraw from negative impacts of culture while not withdrawing from society? I think I have given this question much lip service in my life, but I really need to figure this one out and live it out.

Disclaimer. I don’t believe this is all American Christians. Likewise, there are many, many wonderful churches as well. The above reflects my perceptions and generalizations.

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1 Response to Differentiation

  1. Blamyagem says:

    Thanks for the post

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