
With the passing of President Ford, I am reminded of a gift my best friend in high school gave me upon graduating. It was a book authored by President Ford. Then I started thinking of gifts that I have either given or received.

When I was six, my sister gave me a Snoopy football player bank for Christmas and I gave my father a full face shield for woodworking. When I was 17, I received the book by Ford for graduating. When I graduated college, my parents gave me a leather jacket. The year my son was born, my father gave me a book by Jeff Walling for Christmas. And there are a few others that I remember as well but not many.

But there have been so many times to give and receive, birthdays, Christmases, anniversaries, and others, yet I only remember a few gifts that I have either given or received.

Yet God gave us life, he gave us his son, he gave us Spirit, he gave us life to the full, he gave us redemption, he gave us mercy and grace, he gave us value, he gave us love, he gave us the opportunity for relationship with him, he gave us and he gives us….perfect gifts – gifts which do not fade from memory, gifts that never grow old and or tiresome. These are the gifts which I want, which I cherish, for which I am thankful.

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1 Response to Gifts

  1. beth says:

    Thanks for sharing the information on gifts. It was nice going through your blog as I believe on giving and taking gift from my friends, relative and well wishers. Nice blog 🙂

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